The Capuchins Friars Accept a New Ministry in Cleveland

With the approval of Cleveland Bishop Edward Malesic and Capuchin Provincial Minister Br. Tom Betz, OFM Cap, Br. Phil Bernier, OFM Cap, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar of St. Malachi Parish, 2459 Washington Ave. in Cleveland.

The parish was founded in 1865 to care for the spiritual needs of the then predominantly Irish “Old Angle” neighborhood around Detroit Ave. and West 25th St. Br. Phil will assist parish administrator Fr. Michael Gurnick with regular parish responsibilities and explore possibilities to expand and invigorate the parish’s proud history to social outreach to Cleveland’s near westside.

This assignment is effective immediately and is the Capuchin’s first ministerial assignment on Cleveland’s westside since their arrival in the diocese in 1978.

Let Us Gather Together in Prayer to Give Thanks!

The Capuchin Friars of Cleveland invite you share with us in the Eucharist, which itself means “thanksgiving,” and celebrate God’s  bountiful blessings upon each of us and upon our nation this Thanksgiving. Please feel free to bring paper products or canned goods to be distributed to those in need in our local communities.

Wednesday Evening, November 24th @ 7:00pm:

Holy Spirit    4341 E. 131st St, Garfeld Heights

St. Agnes + Our Lady of Fatima    6800 Lexington Ave, Cleveland

Historic St. Peter    1533 E. 17th St., Downtown Cleveland


Thursday, November 25th @ 10:00am: 

Conversion of St. Paul Shrine    4120 Euclid Ave., Cleveland