Commitment to A Safe Environment 

The Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Augustine know of the profound suffering and harm which incidents of sexual abuse of minors by some priests and members of religious orders have caused innocent people and the Church community at large. As brothers to all and as ministers within the Church, we must work to ensure the safety of all the people we serve, especially the safety of minors. The abuse of a minor by a friar is contrary to our vowed life and our profession to live the Gospel. The Province will not tolerate or excuse abuse, including sexual abuse, of a minor by a friar of the Province.

 We recognize with regret that the structures and procedures of the Church frequently did not foster openness and healing to victims of abuse. Too often instances of abuse were disregarded and opportunities to bring healing were missed. Most importantly, we, the Province of St. Augustine, apologize for our part in this scandal and pledge to do all in our power to prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse and to respond compassionately and courageously to allegations of child sex abuse.